Intellectual Output 2 // Report

Intergenerational and peer-to-peer educational programs
to improve digital skills in older adults

Output Description

There is no evidence about the best option for in-person educational programs dedicated to improve digital skills in old adults. There is some evidence that intergenerational and peer-topeer educational programs were effective on these aims. However, there is still discussion about which is the best option in terms of effectiveness of in-person approach, intergenerational or peer-to-peer. In this intellectual output, a revision of existing intergenerational and peer-to-peer educational programs will be performed at regional, national, European and international levels. The final report will include programs in which their efficacy in terms of digital skills improvement in old adults was evaluated. In addition, a comparison of the outputs of these two programs typed will be performed. This revision will be performed in different databases. After selection of the documents, a revision of its contents will be done, with particular emphasis to the program content, instruments used to evaluate their impact, and the results obtained in terms of digital skills’ improvements. In the end of this revision, a final report will be written on in-person program (intergenerational and peer-to-peer) best practices dedicated to improve digital skills in older adults. This report will be used by the partnership to develop the in-person educational programs. Moreover, this report will be isseminated and published in a reference journal, as well as in the ICTSkills4All platform.

Output Type Studies / Analysis; Best practices guidelines

Activity Leading Organisation Rigas Aktivo Senioru Alianse (RASA)

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